Information for doctoral students
In the following sections, doctoral students will find bundled information and relevant links.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In the following sections, doctoral students will find bundled information and relevant links.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We offer group courses on fixed dates including two special courses for doctoral candidates (in German), individual consultations (Book a Librarian), and online tutorials in Moodle in cooperation with the Department of Medical Statistics (SciTec@MedMa; in German).
The Department of Medical Statistics offers individual consultations for various programs, statistical consulting, and scripts and information sheets on SAS and Excel, see Services (in German).
Zitieren dient dem Schutz des geistigen Eigentums. Durch ein wörtliches oder sinngemäßes Zitat soll der Urheber bzw. die Quelle einer Information nachvollziehbar angegeben werden, siehe Zitieren.
On the platform SciTec@MedMa (Moodle; in German) you will receive general information about the doctorate in Mannheim and you can use self-study tutorials for biomedical information research and EndNote (reference management), SAS, Excel, Word and PowerPoint.