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IT platform LEARN

The LEARN web application was set up with the aim of making it easier for all early career researchers at the Faculty of Medicine Mannheim to keep track of courses, events and other requirements within a structured programme, and to be able to visualise their progress at any time.

It is available to all doctoral students, their supervisors and TAC members, as well as postdocs and clinician scientists of the faculty, and it offers:

  • A list of courses and events of the STMM with direct booking options
  • A personalised overview of completed courses and attended events, etc. for all early career researchers participating in one of the structured programmes of the Faculty of Medicine Mannheim, such as doctoral candidates for the Dr. sc. hum. degree.
  • The possibility of planning and documenting TAC meetings
  • The possibility for supervisors to approve completed work and to overview the learning progress of their students

Additionally, it is also planned to establish a courses and event directory for events organised by the UMM, Heidelberg University and other institutions for academics and interested parties. Providers of regular courses will have the opportunity to add their own events.

Access with Uni-ID

All early career researchers at the Faculty of Medicine Mannheim can register, regardless of whether they are taking part of a structured programme at the Faculty or belong to a Research Training Group or another graduate school. Supervisors are automatically granted access if their doctoral candidates are accepted into a structured programme at the Faculty.

To create a profile, registration is now possible via the LEARN start page, indicating the Uni-ID for log-in.

Find more information about registration in LEARN here.

Context Column

School of Translational Medicine (STMM)

Medical Faculty Mannheim,
Heidelberg University

Tridomus C, Ebene 3
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
68167 Mannheim


STMM office

Dr. Susanne Hausselt
Dr. sc. hum. programme
Phone +49 621 383-71597

Dr. Claudine Öngen
Dr. med. programme
Telefon 0621 383-71608

Ramona Ludwig
Administration + LEARN
Phone +49 621 383-71609

Support young scientists

Details can be found in the section Nachwuchsförderung
(in German).