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About us

Dear users,

the library of the Medical Faculty Mannheim of the University of Heidelberg is part of the library system of the University of Heidelberg.

Its task is the acquisition, indexing and provision of (bio-)medical literature and information for research and teaching at the faculty as well as the supply of literature for further and continuing medical education at the University Medical Center Mannheim (UMM).

The library is constantly developing its services in close cooperation with the Medical Faculty in order to meet the current state of medical teaching and research.

The library is available to UMM students and staff as a lending library and is the only interdisciplinary medical library in the Mannheim area that is open to the public.

For all questions concerning the library and its services you can contact us at any time.

Numbers & services


Contact us & contact persons

Opening hours

Virtual tour of the library

Memberships and partnerships

Publications of the employees

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